join our team as a scrum master
Our course is growth, which is why we are looking to strengthen our crew. Anyone who wants to join us should have a clear view of the target coordinates for a digital Germany and share our conviction that open source offers optimal opportunities to achieve this goal.
You should be capable of doing this and bring this skill with you
With a degree in business informatics, an apprenticeship in the IT environment or comparable knowledge, you’ll have good prerequisites for this job. Your experience is also a factor for us: Anyone coming on board as a Scrum Master at publicplan should have spent at least three years working as a team coach with agile methods and be competent with peer and management feedback. If this is something you can provide, you should have no trouble ticking off the other essential skills for this role with us: pronounced communication skills, a fine sense for the team dynamics and a knack for presentation.
get to know us

our recruitment-team
If you have any questions, our recruiting team will be happy to help. You can reach us at We ask you to always submit your applications via the officially advertised positions via Personio.