Job Profiles – Our Roles

The goal of #OpenSourceAstronauts is to make administration more digital and therefore smarter. This is practical for all citizens, important for companies and simply good for Germany. The many projects we have already successfully implemented demonstrate this.

Anyone who wants to come on board with us should therefore have a firm eye on the target coordinates for a digital Germany and share our conviction that open source offers the best opportunities for achieving this target.

with us, success means teamwork

Our crew consists of specialists with an agile mindset who know what they’re doing and how their skills can contribute to our common goal. But the most important qualification for #OpenSourceAstronauts is: Team spirit! Nothing happens here without it.

Our teams are always cross-functional, with clear responsibilities and roles. They are responsible for ensuring the success of their projects and stakeholder satisfaction. To do this, they get maximum freedom, the best support and our full confidence.

On the following pages, we’ll introduce you to the roles of our team players at publicplan. And where do you see yourself?


As an IT consultant, you will provide technical advice to our customers and guide projects through the world of public administration. You will analyse, optimise and transform administrative processes. You will develop and maintain relationships with our customers, advising them on projects at federal and EU level with your strong customer focus.

PHP Developer

You’ll invent, improve and test to allow us to present tailor-made results to our clients. On the basis of different programming languages and frameworks, you’ll develop new features for our pre-existing software solutions as well as design completely new solutions.

Product Owner

As a Product Owner, you’ll be a planner and communicator, a controller and an impulse generator, and you’ll always look at your respective project from the eye of the client. With you – as is classic and proven according to Scrum – lies the technical and economic responsibility for ensuring the project’s success.

Scrum Master

Our Scrum Masters are constantly presenters, mediators, process supervisors, support staff and team coaches all in one. In a nutshell, this means: As a Scrum Master, you’ll be helping your colleagues in our agile teams to achieve jointly defined goals.

Program Manager

Developing visions, designing suitable strategies and implementing in close collaboration with the client – in this orbit, you’ll work with us as a Program Manager in close cooperation with ground control as well as all stakeholders. You’ll steer the spacecraft of one of the six publicplan theme worlds, stay the course and ensure the mission succeeds in economic terms.

Frontend developer

You work on the front line and improve the front end of our applications. You will optimise JavaScript code and application performance to improve loading times, responsiveness and usability for our customers. You will implement techniques such as code splitting, lazy loading and caching to minimise resource consumption and maximise efficiency.

Business Analyst

You’ll determine the requirements of our clients with a high degree of precision and thus guarantee the optimal initial conditions for their digitisation projects. You’ll accompany authorities on their journey to planet OZG and use your expertise to provide them with guidance on its implementation.

Devops Expert

As a DevOps Expert, you’ll constantly be thinking about the best possible synergy between software development and IT operations. Your fixed stars are software quality, high development and delivery speed and, of course, ensuring the individual fields of our teams synergise in the best way possible.

Process Designer

As a Process Designer, you’ll work closely with our Product Owners, who know our clients’ requirements and wishes to a tee. Our users’ perspective – that’s what you’ll orbit and what you’ll keep in mind at all times. This is what you’ll align your web-based forms with, implement in technical terms and optimise.

our recruitment-team

If you have any questions, our recruiting team will be happy to help. You can reach us at We ask you to always submit your applications via the officially advertised positions via Personio.